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Asambe siyo thenga -Let's go Shopping!!

We have our new wheels and our stuff came into port at Grace Family Church in Durban!!! Many Pictures our up now and it really feels more like home! We have also been blessed with a weekend away. We didn't go too far though for our first adventure ;0). But we relaxed and had the amazing back drop of the Drakensberg Mountains in Bergville. The last three Sunday's we spent with Erlo in NTabamhlope! It has been great to fellowship and worship with him and our friends there!

The kids have been back to school and everything is settling back into routine. I spend some days in the Creche and love to play and read them stories! This time of month is generally our slower time -office wise, so we get to catch up on things.

Overall we are well, adjusting more and more and have been encouraged by the Lords word and our purpose for being here! Prayer for continued growth, strength and patience would be appreciated! Praises for our car, our personal belongings, and the Lord above whom is always with us and helps us through everything!!

Thank you and love you all!

PS more pictures to come … the computer is being SSSLLLOOWWWW!!!

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